Spider-Woman - Massive Attack

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DAVEzilla · 9

Get a full board of 6 Allies (3 + Triskellion + Avengers Tower + Stinger) and try to get BIG Mass Attacks

(Tyring out Leadership Training for Strength in Numbers + Mass Attack...)

(Only 1 Band Together, just to help pay for 6 cards (including ofc Mass Attack) - any more would mean terrible mulligans)

(Hulk and She-Hulk serve only as buffers and should get and enraged, then do nothing more than Mass-Attack / Strength in Numbers)

(Mighty Avengers got cut for 3rd Strength in Numbers) (considered Blade and Wonder Man, but they didn't make the cut...) (considered Team Training for the free Wasp/Ant-man and extra activations, but too slow)