SCL 905 - Smog Panther vs Expert Kang (beta)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

First revision of my Black Panther deck to take on the Solo Champions League Season 9, Round 5 challenge on Expert I:

  • Kang + Badoon Headhunter (01/30/22-02/12/22)
  • Hero: Black Panther, Black Widow, Spider-Man, or Drax
  • Aspect: Basic

This is a fairly typical Black Panther deck designed to get lots of permanents down to thin the deck to enable multiple plays of Wakanda Forever! per turn in the mid and late games.

Some quick design notes

  • Although the intention is to keep as many permanents in play as possible, some of the permanents are ones that can provide solutions to problems when needed (such as Target Acquired or Civic Duty)
  • Speaking of, Civic Duty > Adrenaline Rush because this deck does not struggle with damage output, but it does struggle with on-demand thwart
  • Avengers Mansion almost always gets gobbled up by Time-Travel Hijinks (aka Time-Travel Hunks) so I instead opted to max out the upgrades at 3-cost, hoping that the hunks will usually take a mostly depleted ally with them instead of a permanent.
  • I tried The Power in All of Us in this as well, but 8 resource cards was way more than we wanted in the late game when the deck was thin