Infinite Combo Featuring White Tiger

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AradonT · 24

I'm sure this isn't the first Doctor Strange infinite loop to go up on this site, but this is my approach to a fully-infinite deck cycler. The goal of the deck is to play as many upgrades and supports as possible to reduce your deck size, then draw the rest of your deck into your hand. Once you're at that point, you can use Winds of Watoomb with Master of the Mystic Arts to draw infinite cards. This deck uses those cards to play White Tiger repeatedly, for infinite damage or thwart.

It has a slow start, so is probably best to be paired with another hero that can hold the fort while you get going. Play out allies as quickly as possible, use Band together to get more allies or Helicarriers into play, and then use Strength in Numbers to draw extra cards and fuel Doctor Strange's spells until you're ready. Both Cosmo and Wong can help adjust your invocation deck for consistency. Try to get Honorary Avenger on each of them so you can use Avengers Tower for a maximum of 6 allies in play.

When you're set with Winds of Watoomb on top and five or six card draw potential, use Strength in Numbers to draw as many cards as possible. Use Avengers Assemble to ready up and use another Strength in Numbers. Use both Master of the Mystic Arts to draw most of the rest of your deck. Using Spiritual Meditations, you should be able to get back to your Master of the Mystic Arts again, which should empty out your deck. Use your Helicarrier, Quincarrier, etc to pay for the Master of the Mystic Arts to keep your deck as empty as possible.

Then, attack with White Tiger and use Get Ready to ready her and attack again, getting her in the discard. Use Master or Spiritual Mediation to redraw her, and keep replaying her using Band Together for the finish.

(This deck doesn't work against Kang unless you get to his last phase without the combo first, because he ends the turn before revealing final phase, which results in you running into dozens of encounter cards)