Tinkering with Iron Man 3.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rocket Raccoon - Layer Cake 2 1 0 1.0

Danimal0808 · 426

"Are you fixing me or taking me a part?" - Tony Stark "I'm tinkering... trust me it will work out." - Rocket


Objective of the deck: Get Iron Man on the board asap and kept him on the board. Load him up with upgrades making him super powerful. However, you will also be tinkering some tech items off of Iron Man to get that card draw. Then, reattach upgrades to get card draw off of Guardians of the Galaxy support. Card draw leads to getting your gun upgrades out to blast your way to victory.

Step 1: Getting Iron Man into play.

  1. Hard Mulligan: Only save double resources (bc you need to pay for IM), Call for Aid, 1 Honorary Guardian.
  2. Use call for aid

Step 2: Put Honorary Guardian on Iron Man & Rocket asap. Note: YOU MUST be in hero form to play Honorary Guardian, bc you must be a guardian to play, until you play an HG on rocket. Which you are going to want to do for your Guardian of the Galaxy trigger.

Step 3: Get Guardian of the Galaxy(support) into play.

Step 4: Unleash massive card draw with GotG by putting upgrades on IM (or other allies), Dealing excess damage from his "I murdered you" ability, tinkering in alter-ego, and possibly Knowhere if you play an ally.

Ongoing step: First Aid to keep Iron Man in the Game!

Other Allies: All Guardians (which is important to keep your GotG triggering) Groot: to protect Rocket (try to get Reinforced Suit on him) and to trigger flora and fauna. Major Victory: cheap blocker that can also ready a guardian character often defeating him with consequential to get another activation out of Rocket. Martinex: 2 cost ally if you have the guardian trait with 4 HP long term value.

****Tricky thing about this deck, is that it requires a lot of double checking you meet the criteria. You need to make sure ALL of your characters are guardians for GotG. You can only play certain upgrades on avenger or guardian allies.


May 04, 2022 Aoshi312 · 1296

I really enjoyed the deck! My only struggle is that you really need Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man and Honorary Guardian to gain the full benefit and it feels frustrating to load Iron man with gear before having all that out. That isn’t your fault, just a game mechanic. Hopefully we get some cards in the future that help pull those specific cards. I think that makes having a 45 card deck a little inconsistent so I may try to find a way to bring this down to 40 cards but it’s also tough thinking about what to cut. Lol. All in all a very fun and thematic deck and a true table hog.