Tony Stark: Chief of Police

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Naughtyzombie · 66

This deck has a simple premise: don't flip until your kit is full. The first few turns you'll hopefully be dropping a beat cop (or two), some tech, maybe an ally. The goal here is to stay in alter-ego until you've built up enough armor to make the change. Beatcops, counter intelligence, surveillance team, and under surveillance should be able to prevent most main schemes from flipping for at least a couple rounds. Don't worry about attacking, that comes later. Eventually (usually having about 4-5 pieces out) you'll flip and finally be able to attack the villain. Use gauntlets to remove tough's/fight off minions while using your base thwart to take out any built-up threat. Ally's can help widdle the villain down but really you'll want to rely on supersonic punch to deal big hits. Save your beatcops, ideally indefinitely. With all them out you can remove 3 threat continuously, and they make a great insta-kill for any large minions that hop out.


Jan 14, 2022 JohnTheWorst · 27

Just out of curiosity why not include sonic rifle? It counts towards Iron Man's hand size

Jan 14, 2022 Naughtyzombie · 66

`@JohnTheWorstI had considered it; but, after playing through a few times, there is enough threat removal in the deck that confusing an enemy isn't all that necessary. Its expensive to play, and oddly enough you want threat out to feed the cops. Now that being said, if I find that high threat scenarios become troublesome it's absolutely something I'll add to the deck.