Black Widow - Aggressive Support

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mr.Strange · 16

An aggression deck with almost no attack events! That's because this deck is all about Black Widow staying in Alter-Ego form, and bursting out into hero only at specific tactical moments.

Avenger's Mansion is ESSENTIAL to get into play, unless you're about to lose. Syth-Suit is the least important card, so don't sweat it when you draw it and don't want to play it. ;)

Ideal turn - start in Alter-Ego, ideally with a boosted hand size from last turn. Call it 7 cards. Draw a preparation with Safe House #29, play it for free using gauntlet, and draw another card. Draw one with Mansion. You've now played 1 card and still have 9(!) left in your hand.

Flip to Hero form, and play Toe to Toe on the villain. Trigger counterattack. use Tac Team. Play an event - Covert Ops or Dance of Death as needed. End with another Assess the Situation or two.

Once you've got ~7+ upgrades in play, you should be cycling your deck every three turns, or very nearly. Play whatever is relevant, and don't worry about the rest - you'll see it again soon. ;)