Black Panther - A Mighty Blue Wave

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

boothwah · 81

Paired with Spider-Man prot for two handed solo. Can handle all the threat until the last two smackdown turns, where you'll throw 5 Avengers and a handful of Wakanda Forevers at the villain.

You don't need team training, you replace the dudes as fast as you play them. Take some hits early and get the.most put of your 2 thwart allies. Prioritize Tower / Tbe over BP upgrades first pass through the deck. I very rarely even put on his full kit before I win.

Mighty Avengers is the card that has to hit the table when you draw it regardless of what else you drew.

One Band together is really just a flex. Jt's not even necessary. Might drop it for Innovation or A heli.