SCL (S9-R2) - Quicksilver Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Parallax · 7

Solo Champions League - Season 9, Round 2 (Absorbing Man + Band of Badoon)

A.B.C(b) - always be chump blocking. Pretty standard leadership deck that focuses on swarming allies who will go down during the villian phase to avoid Absorbing Man getting his environment effects.

Quick usage notes:

  • Turn 1 - emergency teleporter into Nick Fury for added card draw
  • Regroup lets you bring allies like Fury, Hill, and White Tiger back to your hand to add card draw next round
  • Deft focus and Friction Resistance are vital for big ally turns + buffing QS
  • Command Team was hit and miss. great to get more value out of allies like Fury and Goliath