SCL901 Venom Aggression vs Drang S1E1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

Went with a deck that doesn't bother to get any resource generators down because the games are very short. Went against Standard 1, Expert 1

  • Game 1 - 4 turns, clean board, 14 HP on the hero side
  • Game 2 - 5 turns, clean board, 17 HP on the hero side
  • Game 3 - 4 turns, clean board, 15 HP on the hero side

Solo Champions League round details: Season 9, Round 1 - Brotherhood of Badoon + Goblin Gimmicks + Ship Command (12/04/21-12/18/21) Hero: Iron Man, Groot, Wasp, or Venom Aspect: Aggression Choose your own combination of Standard and Expert