The Champions and Lockjaw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This deck plays on Kamala's Champions allies, her ability to play defensive events then tap to return them to hand, and to summon Lockjaw.

She has no Defense cards that require her to exhaust to activate. Allowing her to instead exhaust to return those cards to hand to use again against another attack, or heal, or to use as a resource for another card play.

Lockjaw, while not a great value at base cost, can become much more valuable once you have cost reductions like Team-Building Exercise, helicarrier, Aamir Khan, or borrowing resources from her Polymer Suit. This can make using him for a single attack or thwart, then as a blocker more valuable. The same supports make cycling Red Dagger easier.

This deck also has 3 First Aids and and 2 Second Winds. The Second Winds allow her to play medic to herself and other heroes while the first aids can be used for the same, or to get greater utility out of her allies.