Spider-Man Loses His Temper

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MacGhille · 250

This deck was put on the system because SOtL mentioned disliking the current top Spider-Man builds (Black Cat recursive, He Protecc, Voltron YonCat) and wanted to play a more 'fun' Spidey, which I decided to interpret as 'in your face' Spidey. So here it is.

If this deck has a central goal, it is getting out the resource generators. With any two of the permanent resources (Helicarrier, Quincarrier or Martial Prowess) on the table, you can play Clobber every single turn for free and get it back in hand ad infinitum.

With Combat Training and Godslayer, Spidey hits for 5 every time he attacks. So once he gets going, he is dishing 8 points of damage per turn, and he still gets four cards in his hero hand (or more if he gets attacked) each turn to play with.

Additional minor synergies:

Of his 21 events, 16 are Attacks making Martial Prowess and Plan of Attack highly likely to have a target.

Dropkick and Relentless Assault want Might resources, which are provided by Martial Prowess, Quincarrier and Web-Shooters.

I don't think this deck will do fantastically on its own, but with another hero to mop up threat, Spidey here can spend his time dishing out the hits. The allies are also nearly worthless for threat removal, and serve mainly as chump blockers for when you want to take big swings after being attacked and don't have a backflip in your hand.