Adam Warlock - Jack of all trades

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Khorjad · 34

This deck was designed for multiplayer.

Mulligan: hard mulligan for mystic senses and warlock's cape

Gamplay: Look for our setup as agressively as we can. Once we get our cloak and at least 1 mystic senses we start roling. This allows us to use our ability and cycle a card every turn. Most turns revolve arround us getting exhausted by either defending/attacking/thwarting, using our ability, drawing 2 cards, then playing either 1 mystic cards or 1 adam warlock card. If i'm not too pressured, playing cosmic ward is awesome, it has saved me from every SOTP yet.

Reasoning behind the deck:

Armored vest, heroic intuition and Combat training to take advantage of the free preparation we get every turn with our cloak.

Mystic cards, they are all cheap at the expense of discarding cards as part of their cost, this synergizes with Quantum magic. So if we discard some setup, we can always look for it. If you got unlucky and discarded your setup AND quantum magic, well, even more reasons to play mystic cards!

Expensive allies to enter through summoning spell, otherwise, discarded for stat increases. Some could come in if we have too many resources at some point. This could look like a problem, considering we only have one summoning spell, fortunately, Quantum magic can often help us with this if we REALLY need an ally (Getting NIck fury here feels awesome). Allies with abilities that happen when they enter play will be great here, I'm probably adding Cap. Marvel as soon as she's released to this deck.

The rest of the cards can probable be optimized and are not core to the idea, got some confusion from justice, a hand cannon and some cheap defenses.

Endurance is there for the synergy with Soul world.

Adam's playstile allows for so much tinkering, that makes him very interesting. He allows us to play very niche cards, since even in the worst case scenario they are fuel for his hero ability.

Since we run so many upgrades and gray cards, his hero cards will often be getting +0 to +2 (dmg/thw).

In the testing i've run so far I've found him very versatile, sometimes he feels like a protection deck, taking low to no damage, even blocking for allies, since an activation of 2 is often better than an other hero flipping to AE.

When you use your activation blocking a villain attack, we can then use our hero ability as an action in another player's turn to enable combos.

Normally having expensive allies feels like a detriment, since I end up sacrificing them early in the need of blocks. Here we can defend with Adam and properly take advantage of they full value and blocking when they only have 1 hp (even healing them with our hero ability if necesary).