High Risk, High Reward

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Onions · 80

This deck takes advantage of a very powerful Spider-Man card that I find is often overlooked - Aunt May. Aunt May's healing powers are unmatched, but can often be unnecessary for Spider-Man due to his damage mitigation capabilities. This deck throws all caution to the wind and leans into taking as much damage as possible and profiting before switching to Alter-Ego to receive premium care.

Sentry, Star-Lord, and Toe to Toe are the main sources of said damage. The allies won't always be reliable, but extra encounter cards increase the likelihood of attacks.

These attacks fuel Spider-Sense, Counterattack, and You'll Pay for That, to provide card draw, damage, and threat removal.

Endurance provides an extra buffer and more health to heal. With that, Backflip, Enhanced Spider-Sense, and a three Defense, being at low health isn't as dangerous.

If allies aren't defending for you, they might as well be doing damage. Boot Camp works wonders with Black Cat and Sentry, and Honorary Avenger is a cheap way to keep allies on the table or increase your own health.

Threat removal can be inconsistent, but You'll Pay for That is very strong, and Into the Fray combined with Spider Tracer turns minions into threat removers.


May 30, 2022 fbracht · 71

How does this deck operate when you for any reason don't draw Aunt May somewhat early? (Let's say she ends up being removed as an Ultron Drone and you can only try to play her on a second pass.) How much does this wrecks this deck?

May 31, 2022 fbracht · 71

I'll answer my own question partially: it does kind of okay!

I just had a game against Klaw (Standard/Masters of Evil — my benchmark for testing decks), and had MAJOR bad luck. Aunt May was the second-to-last card in the first deck pass, and by the time I got to play her, the main scheme was already on phase 2, meaning I could only heal from her a single time. There were also two or three times when I set up cards like Counter-Attack/Toe to Toe and wanted Klaw to hit big, and instead he failed to get boost icons, instead drawing boost effects. (Once he even got a Tough status from the Sharkdude minion and ate my Toe to Toe.)

Even still, I was able to eke out a win.

If I won even with this many "fucking really?!" moments, I believe the deck to be at least pretty good. Looking forward to play a couple more games.

Thanks for making and posting this! :)

May 31, 2022 Onions · 80

Thanks! I would suggest taking out a "You'll Pay for That" and Counterattack and adding in Mockingbird and Ironheart (to defend for you) if you find that you can't get Aunt May early. Also, the Avenger's Tower should be an Avenger's Mansion. My mistake!

May 31, 2022 Onions · 80

If you find that boost effects are causing mayhem against Klaw, try putting in a Target Acquired or two.

May 31, 2022 fbracht · 71

Good catch on the Avengers Tower! I was scratching my head at the card when I played... I thought it was to help pay for Sentry, and maybe to provide an extra slot for allies by using Honorary Avengers, but I was really like "it doesn't seem worth it to run it in this context" hahaha