Spider-Woman (Y/R) Thundering Tarantulas!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

99neil99 · 22

40 cards (45 CE)

  • add "Justice Served" x2.
  • sub out "Strength" & "Genius" for "Audacity" & "Determination". This will boost your stats, but make the deck more expensive.

I create my decks for versatility & efficiency, followed by consistency. No deck is ever static because new cards always come out. I will keep my decks up to date for you to use them as guides & templates. I highly recommend you always build your own deck because we all favour different cards. Cheers.

Update: Deck abandoned for a better one.


Aug 27, 2021 Callum25195 · 5

Audacity & Determination will not boost your stats as they have not been played, just spent

Aug 28, 2021 99neil99 · 22

Balls. Alright, scratch that idea then & just sub the other 2 back in. Cheers.