I Go Home to Starla at Night

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Marvel Chumpions · 167

What is the deck's goal you may ask... turn every enemy into a pile of mush. The point of this deck is to get Jarnbjorn out and use it's ability to do massive damage in conjunction with Mean Swing, One-Two Punch, Superhuman Strength, Quincarrier and Combat Training. This is why the deck is over half physical resources.

Jarnbjorn - This is a key weapon / upgrade for this deck. It can help whittle down the villain or help take out some minions, but it is best when played with Mean Swing.

Mean Swing - Exhaust Jarnbjorn to make this work to cause a minimum of 8 damage without other cards and it's zero cost so... yeah.

One-Two Punch - This is a great card to ready up and either attack again or flip to regain some health for another big attack next round.

Superhuman Strength - If you have this attached along with Jarnbjorn and pull out a Mean Swing... minimum of 10 plus a stun.

Quincarrier - This card is mainly used to generate a physical resource to do Jarnbjorn's ability or One-Two Punch.

Combat Training - +1 is always welcomed when you are attacking and that's the main purpose of the deck. If you are able to get the stars to align and have Jarnbjorn, Combat Training, and Superhuman attached then play a Mean Swing followed by a One-Two Punch, you can potentially produce the highest ATK this game can produce with 17 damage (if you use Jarnbjorn twice) on your turn.


  • Card draw is tough due to only 4 in Hero mode which you will be spending majority time so Focused Rage, Avengers Mansion, and Hall of Heroes is your remedy for that, but they cost a decent amount.
  • Scheming is a problem, so having another player would be nice. There is some little things that you can do to help manage, but not really. The goal is to power through the Villain as fast as you can.

Enjoy killing things!!!!!