Venom - Confuse and Stun lock pairing with CA

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rebelrob · 3

Made to pair with a stun lock Captain America deck. Ideally you are alternating who ends in alter-ego each turn and the villain never activates.

Strategy here is to confuse every turn. If you have two ways to confuse in a turn, save one for the next turn. Keep sonic rifles on hand and only use on turns where you don't confuse. Cards like Spider sense are less important here because he is potentially never attacking. Groot can help block minion attacks. Coulson and spy craft can help control the encounter cards (CA also has Black Widow to help with this)


Aug 22, 2021 davidtong0195 · 7

Spycraft is only can be played with spy.

Aug 22, 2021 rebelrob · 3

Says play if you control a spy character. So you play Coulson, search for spy craft, and play it then. I've played this a few time to achieve the goal of the villain never activating and in those games I've even left Coulson out on the board so I could play spy craft a few times.