Iron Man Aggression Repulsor Blast

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Awadhu · 1

This is another attempt of mine on Iron Man Aggression. Obviously I'm playing to maximize energy resources for repulsor blast.

The allies:

Hulk: Probably not great unless you need to block or you are against ultron or similar minion spam. He will mostly be doing 1 aoe damage which includes other allies so keep that in mind.

Sentry: Very much worth his cost if you need him, the one extra encounter card is not enough to make me not want the great deal that is a 4 mana 5 hp 2/3 with an energy symbol.

Valkyrie: Just good at dealing with minions.

Warmachine: Unless you're against ultron, this is 1 wild resource. Card is not worth playing unless you really need the aoe.

The Events:

You'll Pay for That: This is a recent addition, I felt that into the fray was not consistent enough at dealing with threat, so this card helps you make sure not lose to threat as you start beating down and setting up. Between "Moment of Triumph" and Iron Man's armor, Tony is surprisingly tanky so you'll find yourself in situations where you're fine to take 3-5 damage to take advantage of the card.

Into the Fray: Good card, kills minions, deals with threat.

Moment of Triumph: This is the card that lets you play You'll Pay for That and have a low ally count. I consistently find myself healing for 5 damage from this card alone. Don't be afraid to ping minions with your gauntlets before finishing them off with a blast punch or into the fray, to heal for a lot of damage.

Repulsor Blast: 1 mana lotta damage

Supersonic Punch: At 2 mana for 4 damage it's very ok, nothing special, but later on in the game when you're consistently going areial the damage this card can output is insane.

The Supports:

Avengers Mansion: Staple

Hall of Heroes: this is great card draw especially with how many attack events you have in the deck all of which can usually 1 shot a minion. Worth noting this card is a very easy cut if you're going up against someone who doesn't play many minions.

Helicarrier: Staple

Pepper Potts: Great resource card, worth noting you want to try and have energy/genius/strength on top of your discard whenever you can before you use pepper to make her produce 2 resources instead of 1.

Quincarrier: I find this to be really important in the iron man deck as you need a consistent source of science resources to maintain the aerial trait with the Rocket boots.

Stark Tower: I mostly just use this to get back expensive armor to use as resources to play cheaper armor, but it is helpful in completing your set for when you discard armor to repulsor blast or resources.

The Upgrades:

All of Iron man's upgrades are ones you want to have on the field eventually to max out his hand size, so I won't go too into detail, I will say you should probably prioritize the cheaper ones first as to maximize your hero hand size as soon as you can.

Martial Prowess: Iron man's 3x repulsor blast and 2x supersonic punch are both attacks so remember you can use this to pay for those.

I do want to add some of the aggression tech into the deck just to try it out, however I don't have access to the packs they come from at the moment. However this is my build and these are my thoughts for now, happy for any feedback you may have.