Rocket Agression Overkill Options

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cannonarm · 73

So after several revisions, this appears to be the version of the deck our resident Rocket player really enjoys. He mains Rocket and Thor depending on how he wants to play.

You may notice that hand cannons are out. With restriction on those cards, he rarely played them. Even with Venom's Side Holster, he still didn't really want them in the deck.

Fusillade is an amazing new card from venom for Rocket. With Side holster you may be sitting on empty weapons more, so now they can be useful.

Into the fray is definitely the only reason we have won some of the GMW games since they are thwart heavy and we worked to do that.

Moment of triumph is there to help with overkill when you need schadenfreude but it doesn't drop. Our rocket player is very aggressive and doesn't defend much so healing was very important.

Plenty of minions, to help cover Rocket.