Scarlet Witch, Queen of Asgard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 4386

This deck is designed to be paired with Thor, God of Chaos.

Cycle through deck with Nick Fury, Spiritual Meditation, and Assess The Situation, and Wanda’s Superpowered Siblings ability, discarding Angela so Thor can play her with Make The Call.

Cycle also with Hex Bolt, eventually stunning and confusing the villain once you have Scarlet Witch’s Crest.

Focus on playing the Crest, Agatha, Avenger’s Mansion, Helicarrier, and Sorcerer Supreme early while Thor sets up an ally screen for you both.

Boot Camp, if you can play it, goes to Thor.

Heimdall, Thor (Jane Foster), Nick Fury, War Machine, and Avenger’s Mansion all provide great targets for Chaos Magic. Thor can also recall Heimdall with Make The Call if Loki shows up.

Stabilize and build advantage until you can Hex Bolt / Molecular Decay into the victory.