

Cost: 0.

Interrupt: When a character would take any amount of damage from an attack, exhaust an AERIAL character you control → prevent up to 3 of that damage.

Sebastián Guidobono
Angel #14.
Aerial Intervention

This is the key protection Aerial event that will allow you to trigger Angel’s draw in the villain phase. You should obviously plan on exhausting an ally to use this, as if you exhaust your hero you could have just defended or recovered for about the same amount of damage prevented and not wasted a card. Outside of Angel’s pack, some of the best Aerial allies you might want to pick up are Starhawk, Vivian, or Snowguard. For heroes besides Angel, it’s still ok, but it’s awkward that it’s not a defense, which many protection decks would prefer, and without those synergies stunning and ally blocking is usually a better way to protect your hero.

Stretch22 · 870
If it was defence-traited it would have capacity to redirect target of the attack, exactly the thing it is not suppoused to do — Aatxe · 21
I'm saying it's awkward that it's not a defense for deckbuilding reasons (Jocasta, Angel's Aerie, Flow Like Water), not because of the actual effect of the card, but you're right that would defeat the purpose of this card if it redirected the attack — Stretch22 · 870

As this is not a defense event, this is much more multiplayer focused then single player. This allows you to "chump block" with an Aerial ally without actually "expending" that Ally, saving on cost in the end.

An interesting use case for this card is to either have a leadership player with Sky Cycles give them to your Avenger allies to have this card easily used by a wider range, or incorporate this card into a Leadership/Protection Spider-Woman deck with Sky cycle, offering a wide range of Allies this card could be utilized with, not to mention the Sky Cycle automatically re-readying those Allies if you are in desperate need of clearing some minions or reducing threat.

This is definitely a combo card more then anything and something that true deck-builders will have fun incorporating into a variety of more intricate decks

Earth Dragon · 1575