Main Scheme. Stage 1
Contents: Taskmaster (I) and Taskmaster (II). Taskmaster, Hydra Patrol, and Standard encounter sets. One modular encounter set (Weapon Master).
Setup: Set each Captive ally aside out of play. Search the encounter deck for Hydra Patrol and put it into play. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Denis Medri
The Rise of Red Skull #96. Taskmaster #4.
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Main Scheme. Stage 1
Starting Threat: 1.
Escalation Threat: 1.
Threat: 12.
The notorious Taskmaster has been appointed by Hydra's chief of police. His top priority is hunting down the outlaw heroes.
Forced Response: After resolving step one of the villain phase, each player in hero form must choose to either place 1 threat here or take 1 damage.
If this stage is completed, the players lose the game.
Denis Medri
The Rise of Red Skull #96. Taskmaster #4.

- Hunting Down Heroes : Hunting Down Heroes The Rise of Red Skull #96
- Hunting Down Heroes The Rise of Red Skull #96
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