“Hulk is not sorry, Hulk is Hulk.”

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dachmuse · 1

The title of this deck sez it all. No apologies. Let Hulk be Hulk.

I’m gonna tell you something about Hulk. Thematically, he plays more or less as you’d imagine a classic Hulk would and if you like a little challenge and are maybe a little overwhelmed by all the brain busting heroes of late – Jade Jaws, Ole Greenskin – he’s your guy!

I’m a comic book nostalgist and have a soft spot for the classic 2-Dimensional Merry Marvel Marching Society cartoons from the ‘60s featuring Hulk, Cap, Iron Man, Thor & Namor with the hilariously corny theme songs. But I especially ❤️ the real “Defenders” Marvel Comics (not the Marvel Knights urban Defenders you young ‘uns keep yammering about!) the original Non-Team that debuted in the ‘70s comprised of: Doc Strange, Namor, Silver Surfer and the Hulk with Valkyrie sprinkled in later on…! Now that was a Team! If Norrin Radd and Namor ever debut in this game – Holy Hannah, I will utterly lose my S- -t!! Ahem! I had to get that in…

Alright, a little about how I approach this game. All this S-Tier stuff…? I really don’t care or worry about it. I utterly stopped playing Solo a couplea years ago. I either play 2 handed solo, or with groups – which for me, is the heart of the game. I like to live a little and not always be constrained by these tight-tight 40 card decks as a rule. I have played this Hulk deck or similar variations of it at Con of Heroes over the last 3 years and recently at an AoA event at The Portal and it hums. I like playing with as many cards as I can, if I can.

If you bellyache and blather about how there are other heroes that do what Hulk does better, etc. Or, how can you play a hero with “0” thwart? Well you might as well skip this.

The Key to this deck is making sure you are always attacking. ABDD – Always Be Doing DAMAGE. And when you aren’t; take advantage of Experimental Research to set yourself up for big turns.

I don’t know how, but I always seem to get either the Mansion or the Carrier on turn 1 or 2. Setting up to play Avengers Mansion and or Helicarrier makes Hulk and anyone else at the table a happy camper. You won’t need help from anybody (except for thwarting of course) and you might even be able to help out your Justice & Protection teammates when they need to draw or play cards.

Assess the Situation with Experimental Research can really help you lock down some big rounds. Don’t be surprised if you can pull off a double Hulk Smash as I did a few weeks ago (there are witnesses) on heavy hitters like Apocalypse and tilt the scales in your favor.

Even though Hulk pays a penalty in hand size for his heavy hitting and defense, awesome newer cards like Limitless Stamina and ole standbys like Drop Kick (there are three of each in this deck) and kit standards like Unstoppable Force should help you draw and ready like the Ever Lovin’ Hulk we all know and love.

As far as mulligans are concerned; you want to get cards that help you set-up, like the Mansion etc. or help you to play St. Nick; Nick Fury or lower the boom with an early Smash. If your friends will allow it, don’t be afraid to flip or stay down as Banner for a turn or two early to set the stage for a big turn.

Another key, but underrated card in this deck is Moment of Triumph. I’ve got two of ‘em in this deck, because Ole Greenskin loves to stay up and take his share of damage. A few times I’ve been on the ropes with say 16 HP of damage. I’ll draw a Limitless Strengthand then Hulk Smash followed by Skilled Strike and finally Moment of Triumph. Magically the damage washes away, ‘cause like… “Hulk is the Strongest One there Is” Dammit!!!

I recently added Plan B and the new "Now I'm Mad" from X-23. Though Plan B might get dropped eventually, the nice thing is that they both have icons, which are essential for Hulk.

I know you Kids geekgasm over Symbiote Suit and the ‘Pool aspect, but that ain’t the Hulk to this crusty, nostalgic New Yorker.

Hulk not like gimmicks! Hulk likes to SMASH! And repeat…